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Freeze Dried


January 2022
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Preparing For The End Times

About a year before Covid hit, the Holy Spirit showed me to begin stocking up. I began buying extra food, specifically dry foods. I also have some freeze dried foods as well. Even though I haven’t gotten a great deal of food stockpiled, I have realized that something is better than nothing. So if you are among those people like Joseph in the Bible who stocked foods away for times of shortage, I have ways of doing that I can show you.

You may be aware of some people who put solar panels on their homes and a battery bank that is charged by the solar panels. Some people have enough money to do that, some people don’t. I’m one of the people that don’t. But I have been able to buy some of the Jackery battery banks and some solar panels to charge them, cell phones and other USB devices. I also have small battery banks that has their own solar panels we can carry with us to charge our cell phones. In case you are interested in these things I’ll share some links with you. If you are interested in more possibly I can do a live stream as time allows through YouTube.

I tried a FlashFish first but they are not very good. I have been buying Jackery since then and they are great. I have 3 different ones now and hope to buy more.

Click on this line to find a list of affordable battery banks and solar panels.

Click on this line to find a list of affordable off grid survival products. Even battery operated hair clippers rechargeable with USB.

Please give me feed back on what you are looking for so I can offer you more information.