Helpful Links

Freeze Dried


March 2025
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Thank you for your interest in advertising on We understand that advertising budgets are limited and you need all of the effective exposure you can get for your dollar. We understand that you need results and desire a highly focused, targeted and motivated audience for your product, service or message. This is why we offer an advertising program which will put your custom tailored message out to our membership on a frequent basis and strategically placed format. More importantly, our membership consists of a highly targeted and interested demographic community.

We are working on adding banner rotation on the site as well as link advertising. Once we have those things implemented we will update this page with more information. For now, the following should give you an idea of what we will soon offer.

We offer two ways to advertise on our site, the easiest method is through sponsored links which you can order through our parent company who handles payment processing for Chewgle. Our sponsored links allow you to put a link to your website on our pages and help support the work we do while benefiting your own work as well. Ordering and payments are handled by our parent company, which is who you will see in any billing information.

Link advertising is affected by Page Rank, or PR. The higher the PR for a website, usually the higher the advertising costs. Since we are a brand new site our PR is still low and so advertising costs for Link Advertising will be low once we implement this option.

We are also currently working on a banner rotation script that will serve both our needs well as well as our advertisers. Just within the first 3 days since we registered our domain and began building this site we have received over 12,000 hits to the site just by placing links in a few effective places. But we are just getting started and we are working on more every day. The success of our site will also lead to the success of our advertisers. This is not our first website by the way, we started our first domain in November of 1996 which grew very large in time and attracted a specific niche, as this site does also. Please visit us often as we implement more tools for advertisers.

If your message is appropriate for our community then our website can deliver the kind of exposure and visibility you are looking for. The ease of use and well designed navigation structure allows community users to bounce from page to page, viewing multiple ads without degrading their experience. On the contrary, our sponsors products, services and events provide relevant information for our users and we encourage them to take advantage of this.

Thank you for considering Chewgle to promote your message.